Welcome to Three Legs One World! I’m honored that you’ve decided to see what this blog is all about.
I believe that every place has a story and traveling doesn’t necessarily mean you need to travel across the world. You can explore your own city or even your own country and find completely amazing places! I try to avoid the tourist traps and would prefer mountains over cities any day of the week (although I do love cities too). I want to explore all of the hidden gems (not geotag them) but my love of history usually means I end up at every single castle or battlefield along the way.
This is a new(ish) blog, I’ve been figuring out this blogging world for the last 8 months. So, please, bear with me as I try to figure out the technical side of blogging. The content will always come first! I am currently focused on traveling within North America with my pups, Thor and Loki, and occasionally my Mr. as well.
If you are checking this out for the first time, thank you so much for stopping by and let me introduce myself:

I’m Vanessa, a 30 something, who loves to travel and is a total history nerd. I love nature and am slightly obsessed with visiting National Parks and wolves. I am by no means a photographer but it is a hobby of mine and I love learning new things and trying to improve my photography skills. I almost always have music playing and my

The blog name might be ‘stumping’ you a bit, so let me explain, it was inspired by my husband. While serving in the Marine Corps in 2008 he was seriously injured in an IED explosion. He lost his left leg, shattered his right foot, had a complete rebuild on his right knee and over 30 surgeries. Being 22 at the time of his injury it changed both of our lives forever. It made us appreciate the time that we have together and that’s why we never waste an opportunity to travel.

The Mr and I figured out a while ago that we have very different travel styles. We’ve tried traveling by the seat of our pants with nothing booked and we’ve tried traveling with a rigid schedule. We found that neither works for us. So I’ve come up with what does and it might work for you too! I call them my “Trip Unplanners“ these are lists of options in areas that we are traveling to, complete with address and operating hours (thanks to England I now include the hours)! That way we aren’t scheduled out but we know what our options are. It works really well for us! Here are a few examples:
When I first toyed with the idea of starting a blog, I almost went with a history blog. I absolutely love history and seeing historical places. So I had to include it here at Three Legs One World. I do a “Did you know Thursday” most Thursdays, which are interesting (in my opinion) little “History Nuggets.” I also love myths and legends and try to include them as often as possible. I strive to make history accessible and not boring for people who wouldn’t normally be interested. Here are a few examples: Did You Know Thursday: Moonshine, History Nugget: Winter Solstice, Did You Know Thursday: Secrets of Wizarding World of Harry Potter.
Follow along on Instagram here. Or on Pinterest here.
I’m so glad you are here! Please say hi!